Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween=My First Booth!

Halloween is filled with so much excitement. Costumes. Candy. Fun. And now, my first fair!

I'm extremely excited, but I wasn't always feeling that way. I actually had an overwhelming feeling of nervousness. I have never participated in a fair and I was nervous to ask to be a vendor at this fair. To my surprise, they were extremely receptive to the idea. I had never made more than eight bows at one time and I didn't know if I could product that many high quality bows at one time. In two weeks, I produced about 100 bows (in which I am happy with). I had never told my coworkers that I created bows and now the secret was out. I didn't know how they would respond to my creative outlet but they have been extremely supportive. One even ordered four pairs for her granddaughters!

I don't know how this booth is going to work for me logistically but I know that it will most definitely be a learning process. I am optimistic that it will be successful and I am especially grateful for my sister who has agreed to volunteer her time with me at this fair.

The butterflies are still fluttering in my tummy but I know I cannot become any greater if I do not encounter opportunities that will stretch me in all facets of this adventure.